Board members



Cynthia Blackwell, President
Dr. Gary Patterson, Vice President
Dr. Betty Cartmell, Recording/Corresponding Secretary
Kim Weill, Treasurer
Gayle Martin, Deborah Moran, Program Chairs

committee chairs

Suzanne Marion, Performer Emeritus Membership
Susan Fischman, General Members
Kim Weill, Website
June Garrison, Board Member-at-Large
Barbara Buckner, Historian
Suzanne Marion, Public Relations
Social Media Manager
Betsy Mims, Hospitality
Jane Perkyns, Auditions
Kim Weill Event Emails
Susan Fischman, Ruth Burr Competition
Suzanne Marion, Kahan Competition
Alicia Chew, Director of the Chorus

executive committee

Cynthia Blackwell
Dr. Betty Cartmell
Dr. Gary Patterson
Kim Weill